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Real Web Host
Premium Hosting Services

Uptime Guarantee

We take pride in our high performance, load balanced, cloud hosting platform which allows us to maintain 99.99% uptime.

Dedicated Support

We are here for you 24/7.

Secure Backups

We backup all data across our network daily. Backups are retained on a 14-day rotation and can be restored right within cPanel using JetBackup. Our support team are happy to assist you if you have any questions regarding the restore process; or if you require assistance in restoring your data. While we do take backups ourselves; we highly recommend that you create offsite backups using the tools within cPanel.

Safe & Secure

CloudLinux OS improves the stability and security of our servers and kernel, ensuring increased availability and performance.


Web Hosting Plans & Pricing

“No Hidden Extras”

These offers will not last forever!!!!

Due to limited availability, please reserve your hosting package now.

Contact Us for discuss your package for website hosting and website design

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The real choice for your web hosting